In Slovakia, the second place!

Slovak National Service for online collaborative school based in Zilina started in this school year already 5th competition for the best eTwinning projects. On 28 June 2010 winners got special rewards on ceremony in Zilina. I attended the ceremony too, with three pupil from my class. In this national competition, we finished on the second place. Together with the pupil Viktorka Konfederákova, Hanka Kremnicka and Viktorka Drugova we presented our project to all present. As a reward we got very nice things and money for shopping computer technologies.So we enjoy and we thank our great partners, classmates and friends for their patience, creativity, cooperation and great results in our project. We are very pleased that we are currently in the project with you. I wish to all beautiful summer and we look forward to hearing about you. Ivana and pupils Viktorka K., Hanka, Mirka, Matus, Viktorka D. Vaneska, Palko, Jakub Anička, Natanko and Dianka.